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CP0113AL, Tianke Electronics (HK) Limited - Inventory

We specialize in Connectors (MOLEX. JST. JAE. AMP . KYOCERA. Hirose etc),Switch,Inductors,Fuse,EMC/EMI Filters and all types of ICs.We are a good reputation and reliable company,we are always providing prime service for our customers.Please send us your requirements.

Unit Price in USD
Part Number Description Brand Qty Unit Price D/C Delivery Remarks
CP0113AL 689
CP0115AH 795
CP0116BH 2672
CP-01-20BL 2600
CP0120DH 3080
CP-01-20W 5100
CP-01-20Y 3000
CP0129BH 4000
CP0129CL 693
CP0129DL 4000
CP0138AL 1819
CP0140AL 1802
CP0169AH 2390
CP0175ALY1 1000
CP0177AH 4000
CP0178CL 900
CP0182ALYI 1900
CP0603A0836ANTR 2950
CP1H-12V 2726
CP1SA-12V-Z-H133ACP131SAZ M16 NAIS 222

Inventory Index: 1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10  


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